Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Is Your Wardrobe Saying?

Fashion is like artwork that you design each day. What you wear is often the only voice you will have in being able to define to others, who you are. It sets a tone, it tells people whether or not you are detail oriented, and like it or not, what you wear will often be the deciding factor of whether or not you get the job, friend, or anything else that you are after. That is pretty powerful, so what do you want your wardrobe to say about you?

For the fashion world, Fall has arrived, regardless of the barometer or the date. For most, September is a new beginning that marks a major shift in seasons, our work ethic, and in our wardrobe. It is time to replace your summer frocks with a well intentioned wardrobe that shows off your curves and exudes your personal style. If you read this and wonder what your personal style is, then all the more reason to take some me-time, and figure it out. No one wants to hear your excuse for not taking time for yourself - don't blame your kids, your "busy," life, or your budget. None of those things are legitimate reasons; sorry.

What I do know is that as I get older, it is important to limit the amount of time that, "old," "lumpy," "frumpy," and, "dumpy," can be used to describe how I feel about my clothing, and therefore, myself. Whether you are reading this in your jammies or in your work attire, take a second to consider what you are wearing - do you feel cute, pretty, sophisticated, and/or sexy? These tend to be the four most often desired effects that women want their wardrobes to provide for them. If you are feeling anything but great in what you are wearing, I wonder, why?

Do yourself a favour and decide the kind of look you want this year for yourself. Find three words that clearly describe that style, and every time you consider buying something for yourself, put that purchase through the check list to see if it meets the criteria set out by your three style words. Women who don't do this will end up buying the same "comfy" hoodies and stretch pants that sincerely do not look good for most situations, and on most bodies, outside of a gym.

"Comfortable," is a feeling, not a style, so it is not allowed to make up one of the words that will define your style ambition. If you hate the feel of something, you won't wear it, so of course, it is a given that your wardrobe should be comfortable without sacrificing its overall look. Comfort can be achieved through great knits, the right kind of heel, and by buying things in your power colours - the ones that you love to wear, and that make you feel, "hot," and I am not referring to hot flashes. Thhhhat's right - hot! You know when you look good, so let's make it a goal to increase those times, and to ditch the frump.

I've said it a zillion times; we can work with any budget at Changes, and I have something for every body. Book a free Diva Den with us where you bring your favourite pieces from your wardrobe, and we help you decide if those things meet the criteria of your three style goals. We'll use the winners to build a wardrobe that works for you, day and night, within your budget. We have select appointments during open hours as well as some after hours appointments (604-222-1505) This is a complete no brainer!

I look forward to hearing what you have chosen for your three descriptive style goals this fall.