Making money from your closet is easier than you think. You may be avoiding things such as a big closet clean because you don't want to be reminded of how much you have spent on things you don't use. The key is to turn the negative associations you have with this task into a positive change for your future. The stuff in your closet is just "stuff," so take off the emotional labelling that you have given those items, and look at them for what they are; pants that don't fit! Keep the memories, get rid of the clothing.
Sort things into three piles; Keep, Consign, & Donate. The first rule of a successful closet clean, is answering the question of how you feel when you wear that item, along with answering whether you have worn that item in the last year. If the answers to these questions contain the words, "frumpy, and "no," respectively, then get rid of it. Go through this ritual to be left with a closet that is full of things you like, and a clear sign as to what pieces you need to fill it in with. Use the money that you make from consigning to buy the pieces that you are missing in your wardrobe. No extra money will have left your bank account, preserving your savings plan, while still being able to shop and look good.
Investing wisely in pieces you will need is an art, which some may need help mastering. If you live close to Changes Vancouver or Calgary, book a free Diva Den. If not, then be sure to bring your favourite items to the store with you so that you can make sure the items look good together before investing in them. Shopping consignment will always save you money. Do not buy things, that you are not excited about, are too expensive, are dryclean only (unless it is a suit), or that you need to lose weight to wear. These purchases are for today, tomorrow, & next week. If you lose weight after that, great, but it doesn't change the fact you have nothing to wear tomorrow. Looking great is a good motivator to do what you can to keep looking great. Looking frumpy is a good recipe to end up as a "before," photo in some late night infomercial.
What else can you sell? Skis that you don't use, a bike that you swore you would ride all day, but haven't touched in 2 years? There are great places in every city to sell these kinds of goods, along with online sales places such as Craigslist. By freeing yourself of clutter in your home, closet, and life, you can make some easy money to feel more empowered while saving.
Dust off that piggy bank and start putting your change in it every night. Find ways to save your change by doing little things like parking for free or packing your own lunch, treat, & drink. Count up your savings at the end of the month to see what every street busker knows well; small change adds up to big bills. Use this as your me-money to make sure you feel and look great.
We will always live in a world that revolves around first impressions. With an increase in competition for jobs, it is all the more important to look great by feeling confident. Make sure your goal of saving money includes room to spend wisely on yourself now and then. Look to the "stuff," in your home for some extra cash, and next time you are using your change, ask yourself if you would rather stash it for a larger me-time indulgence.