Saturday, September 15, 2012

Consignment Retailing A Community Affair

Consignment retailing a community affair

Thank you very much to Denise Deveau from Toronto Post Media for including me in this article.

It is so helpful to a business to receive exposure such as this.  Highlighting the life and times of small, owner operated businesses reminds the public that it is truly a labour of love.  This is a fantastic birthday present for Changes!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Is Your Wardrobe Saying?

Fashion is like artwork that you design each day. What you wear is often the only voice you will have in being able to define to others, who you are. It sets a tone, it tells people whether or not you are detail oriented, and like it or not, what you wear will often be the deciding factor of whether or not you get the job, friend, or anything else that you are after. That is pretty powerful, so what do you want your wardrobe to say about you?

For the fashion world, Fall has arrived, regardless of the barometer or the date. For most, September is a new beginning that marks a major shift in seasons, our work ethic, and in our wardrobe. It is time to replace your summer frocks with a well intentioned wardrobe that shows off your curves and exudes your personal style. If you read this and wonder what your personal style is, then all the more reason to take some me-time, and figure it out. No one wants to hear your excuse for not taking time for yourself - don't blame your kids, your "busy," life, or your budget. None of those things are legitimate reasons; sorry.

What I do know is that as I get older, it is important to limit the amount of time that, "old," "lumpy," "frumpy," and, "dumpy," can be used to describe how I feel about my clothing, and therefore, myself. Whether you are reading this in your jammies or in your work attire, take a second to consider what you are wearing - do you feel cute, pretty, sophisticated, and/or sexy? These tend to be the four most often desired effects that women want their wardrobes to provide for them. If you are feeling anything but great in what you are wearing, I wonder, why?

Do yourself a favour and decide the kind of look you want this year for yourself. Find three words that clearly describe that style, and every time you consider buying something for yourself, put that purchase through the check list to see if it meets the criteria set out by your three style words. Women who don't do this will end up buying the same "comfy" hoodies and stretch pants that sincerely do not look good for most situations, and on most bodies, outside of a gym.

"Comfortable," is a feeling, not a style, so it is not allowed to make up one of the words that will define your style ambition. If you hate the feel of something, you won't wear it, so of course, it is a given that your wardrobe should be comfortable without sacrificing its overall look. Comfort can be achieved through great knits, the right kind of heel, and by buying things in your power colours - the ones that you love to wear, and that make you feel, "hot," and I am not referring to hot flashes. Thhhhat's right - hot! You know when you look good, so let's make it a goal to increase those times, and to ditch the frump.

I've said it a zillion times; we can work with any budget at Changes, and I have something for every body. Book a free Diva Den with us where you bring your favourite pieces from your wardrobe, and we help you decide if those things meet the criteria of your three style goals. We'll use the winners to build a wardrobe that works for you, day and night, within your budget. We have select appointments during open hours as well as some after hours appointments (604-222-1505) This is a complete no brainer!

I look forward to hearing what you have chosen for your three descriptive style goals this fall.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time to "Up" Your Fashion Game!

Spring is the time to "up" your fashion game. Dresses are the ticket to finding ease and comfort, while adding an instant, "WOW!" factor that makes people think you took much more time than you did to find your outfit.

Women all over the world know that a first impression is what we are judged on, and if negative, is the hardest thing to overcome. Dresses say that you expect higher things from yourself, making others feel inspired to step up their game too.

Dresses can be worn for all lifestyles, whether you lead a casual or corporate life... or both. A great dress provides comfort and emphasizes your best assets, whether that be your bust, waist, legs, etc... So how does one find the right dress?

Know your Assets:
What is your favourite part of your body? What part of your body have you received the most compliments on? If you legs are your best asset, then don't cover them up - ensure that your hemlines end above the knee. If your neckline is your jackpot, then show it off with a boatneck, halter, or bandeau style of dress.

Is your bustline a knockout? Well then make sure to use styles that show this off, while being careful to judge how much of a great thing is too much for some audiences. You can add a cami or tank to a dress to show less cleavage for some occasions.

Draped or excessive, flowy fabrics are generally better for thin, medium to tall, small busted women, as they add weight to someone with a large bust. Most women should define their waistline as much as possible to have a more slender silhouette. This scares some women who don't like their belly, however, an empire style of dress emphasizes the most slender part of your torso, as it sits right under the bust line. Our Night & Day dress is a great example of this.

What do You Want To Hide?
Although I want women to embrace their bodies, not hide them, I do believe that for an outfit to be truly perfect, it will be something that you feel great and confident in, without fidgeting or thinking about it for the rest of the day. This means you need to address what you are uncomfortable with. From my experience with thousands of women over the years, they all have something they have issues with - their arms, legs, knees, belly, or butt. So let's deal with this.

It is not enough to cover something up, like your arms, if the length of the cardigan or cover doesn't suit the dress or your body. Don't wear a cardigan that is longer than the dress. If you are going to wear a cardigan, then consider belting it to get the emphasis of the waistline back. You don't have to close the cardigan all the way when belting it. If you are short-waisted, try a shorter cardigan with your dress rather than one that is too long.

What Colours Suit You Best?
Think of the colours you like and are drawn to. A lot of times, these are the best colours for you. Look at your closet to determine what colour you buy mostly. If your answer is beige, we need to talk further, as you not only probably blend into the walls of a lot of show homes, but beige is one of the hardest colours for any woman to wear, other that people with dark skin. If there is something that you wear that you are sure to get compliments on, then chances are it is a colour that suits you.

Remember that any woman can wear any colour of clothing as long as they put their power colour next to their face. You can do this by adding a scarf or another layering piece. It is, however, important to know your best colours and understand that these will change with a change of hair colour and sometimes with a tan or as you get more pale. Colours such as teal and fuchsia,tend to flatter most women, yet they evoke great fear from many who feel they will stand out too much in such colours. It is time to get over it and give some colour a try, whether it is these or others. To ease into this, try a scarf or jewellery for starters.

Try holding different colours of fabric to your face to see which colours make your eyes and skin pop, compared to which colours wash you out. If you really can't tell, then ask someone else to rank each one on a scale of 1 - 5 for you, as most colours should be looked at in a sliding scale way, rather than in an absolute yes or no way.

Today Is Your New Day:
Whether you love trying new things or if you only buy clothing that comes in black, today can be the day that you put forward a fresh, fun, and put together look that shows you care about the details. If someone told you that you had chicken knees in grade four, ask yourself why you are still giving that person the power to keep you from showing your knees in every purchase you have made since that time of silliness. Take back your body, emphasize your best assets, and aim to step it up. I guarantee you will be better and feel better about yourself, while inspiring others around you to do the same. Talk about a win-win!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happiness is...

I am on my annual mother-daughter Hawaii retreat where I am reminded about beauty.

When you are in a tropical place, you see everyone's body as we walk around in what would otherwise be considered, lingerie, in most places during March! From those with a "perfect," body, to those who have not starved themselves, there is little room to hide in swimwear.

I saw a woman yesterday who would be "magazine worthy," and would seem to have it all from gorgeous brands to a great body and fabulous hair. However, her straight faced, inability to acknowledge anyone around her, seemed to make her beauty disappear.

Contrast this to another woman who I greeted this morning on my walk who had a smile as bright as the sun, and a comfort in her own skin that defied any style or brand enhancements. She made me happy to watch and acknowledged my existence by commenting on the beauty of our surroundings after I wished her a good morning as we walked by. Who would you rather hang out with?

As we approach International Women's Day this week, it is perhaps perfect timing to remember that our smile and happiness is our best asset. You can work out every day and outlay as much cash as the world has on fine fabrics and accessories, however, being happy with your day and acknowledging others around you is a priceless asset that will always create more beauty than anything else.

Here's to happiness in your day, creating other good things to follow. Aloha!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Making Money From Your Closet

Making money from your closet is easier than you think. You may be avoiding things such as a big closet clean because you don't want to be reminded of how much you have spent on things you don't use. The key is to turn the negative associations you have with this task into a positive change for your future. The stuff in your closet is just "stuff," so take off the emotional labelling that you have given those items, and look at them for what they are; pants that don't fit! Keep the memories, get rid of the clothing.

Sort things into three piles; Keep, Consign, & Donate. The first rule of a successful closet clean, is answering the question of how you feel when you wear that item, along with answering whether you have worn that item in the last year. If the answers to these questions contain the words, "frumpy, and "no," respectively, then get rid of it. Go through this ritual to be left with a closet that is full of things you like, and a clear sign as to what pieces you need to fill it in with. Use the money that you make from consigning to buy the pieces that you are missing in your wardrobe. No extra money will have left your bank account, preserving your savings plan, while still being able to shop and look good.

Investing wisely in pieces you will need is an art, which some may need help mastering. If you live close to Changes Vancouver or Calgary, book a free Diva Den. If not, then be sure to bring your favourite items to the store with you so that you can make sure the items look good together before investing in them. Shopping consignment will always save you money. Do not buy things, that you are not excited about, are too expensive, are dryclean only (unless it is a suit), or that you need to lose weight to wear. These purchases are for today, tomorrow, & next week. If you lose weight after that, great, but it doesn't change the fact you have nothing to wear tomorrow. Looking great is a good motivator to do what you can to keep looking great. Looking frumpy is a good recipe to end up as a "before," photo in some late night infomercial.

What else can you sell? Skis that you don't use, a bike that you swore you would ride all day, but haven't touched in 2 years? There are great places in every city to sell these kinds of goods, along with online sales places such as Craigslist. By freeing yourself of clutter in your home, closet, and life, you can make some easy money to feel more empowered while saving.

Dust off that piggy bank and start putting your change in it every night. Find ways to save your change by doing little things like parking for free or packing your own lunch, treat, & drink. Count up your savings at the end of the month to see what every street busker knows well; small change adds up to big bills. Use this as your me-money to make sure you feel and look great.

We will always live in a world that revolves around first impressions. With an increase in competition for jobs, it is all the more important to look great by feeling confident. Make sure your goal of saving money includes room to spend wisely on yourself now and then. Look to the "stuff," in your home for some extra cash, and next time you are using your change, ask yourself if you would rather stash it for a larger me-time indulgence.